Rapid Recovery is the perfect complement to cosmetic surgery. Utilizing acupuncture, microcurrent, ultrasound, LED (light emitting diode) therapy, Rapid Recovery can accelerate the healing process and reduce ‘down time’ by almost half. Rapid Recovery helps to eliminate bruising, facial swelling, and incision tightness, while accelerating the recuperation of post surgical fatigue from anesthesia. It is soothing and relaxing and guaranteed to improve the comfort of your recovery process. Results can be immediately visible.
Acupuncture helps your body to reestablish inner health in order to look and feel your best. It improves circulation and lymphatic flow. Preoperatively it prepares the body by supporting the immune system and overall health and the face by improving the integrity of muscles and skin cells. Post operatively it diminishes facial swelling, tightness around incisions, and bruising, lightens scarring around incisions, and reduces fatigue from anesthesia. Each session is personalized toward your recovery needs.
Micro-current is a subsensory vibration that works with your body’s own electrical energy system. In a Rapid Recoverytreatment it is used to repair and restore healthy facial muscle and skin tone. It can improve the production of healthy collagen and elastin, soften tight incisions, and reduce facial swelling. It can be tailored to each stage of recovery.
Ultrasound is a non-auditory vibration that improves circulation, stimulates cell renewal, improved product penetration, and reduces the appearance of skin discoloration. It immediately reduces facial swelling and tightness around surgical incisions. The vibration of ultrasound gently removes dead surface cells. The warmth created by the vibration penetrates healing products through the skin’s surface up to 1500 times deeper than simply applying them with your hands. Rapid Recovery is safe, soothing, and ideal for rapid surgical recovery.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) Therapy
The benefits of light therapy have been well documented over the past 20-30 years. Red Light is used by NASA to increase wound healing and grow fresh food in space. It increases the production of healthy proteins such as collagen and elastin, improves circulation and lymphatic flow and stimulates cell metabolism. Blue light reduces redness, heals wounds, and calms irritated skin. It is used by dermatologists as a powerful antiseptic. Recent studies indicate that green light reduces sun spots and evens skin tone while yellow light eliminates congestion and improves lymphatic flow.
Rapid Recovery Can:
Increase facial muscle cell energy up to 500%
Enhance protein and elastin synthesis up to 73%
Improve collagen production activity up to 60%
Boosts cell and skin nutrition up to 30-40%
Rapid Recovery Results:
Accelerates healing time
Reduces ‘down time’
Significantly reduces facial swelling
Rapidly improves bruising
Softens incision tightness
Evens skin discoloration
Accelerates the recovery from anesthesia
Improves energy and immune support
About Shellie Goldstein, M.S., Acupuncture Physician, L. Ac, Esthetician
Shellie Goldstein is considered one of the leading experts on cosmetic facial acupuncture. Throughout her extensive career, Shellie has been an innovator in the fields of acupuncture and skincare therapy. She has combined her broad training in Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and Esthetics to develop her trademarked AcuFacial® Facelift Cosmetic Acupuncture System. On television Shellie has been seen on Martha Stewart’s MARTHA. Her pioneering AcuFacial® Facelift Cosmetic Acupuncture treatments have been featured in numerous national magazines and local press. Her unique therapy is considered an adjunct or alternative to BOTOX® injections, dermal fillers, and cosmetic surgery. Ms. Goldstein has recently created the Rapid Recovery approach to expedite the healing process of cosmetic surgery. Her methods also improve overall vitality and health.